Thursday 18 November 2010

Sounds of 2011

Originally a little site parked in a corner of the BBC News site. Rory Connolly (producer at BBC  /music) took up the cause. The "Sounds of" site is dedicated to highlighting new music acts who pundits think will be the next "big thing".

I was the design lead, this entailed discussion with Rory on the visual 'tone' he wanted the site to achieve. Our clooective steer on initial branding and sites we thought were interesting or in the same sphere (competitor analysis).This enabled us to convey a clear brief to the indie.

Later in the project I reviewed the wireframes, visual treatments and the final  pre-launch build. I gave feedback and signed off on each of these stages. .

All the stake holders on the project were very pleased with the end result and the smooth running of the project.