Thursday 1 October 2009

Strictly Social -- Final treatment

Strictly Social was the BBC's first attempt at a prime time, full access ,second screen experience with voting and live simulcasting through iPlayer. It had a quiz, live commenting and the ability to "Boo", "Wow" and "Gasp".
After an extensive pitch process with various indies. Pancentric and Monterossa were asked to go forward with the project. I wold represent the BBC uxd oversight of this project and present it to the various meeting it needed to go through for high level approval. The design phase of the project went well, early wireframes I gave to Pancentric were iterated and translated into an interface that 'felt' as 'strictly' as the TV show. Pancentric's team did a great job with the visual treatments. Monterossa were engaged for their technical expertise with the forge platform and there own bespoke software solutions.

In hindsight,  this was an ambitious project for the timescale. Also it confused the audience because it offered too much. Arguably this was the wrong product for the 'Strictly' audience. Leesons learnt: keep these offering simpler and allow a passive user experience. ensure the technical archecture exists to handle a project of this size.

Despite these issues the project was worth while, it showed the technical boundaries and capabilities of the BBC technical framework (at the time). But it did show that with a little more time and technical infrastructure, a real time, second-screen experience could be offered a large audience simultaneously.